ACME Seminar 2022 in Milan – Resilient Building Design
The first week of the “ACME Seminar 2022 – Resilient Buildings Design” was successfully completed on March 22, 2022.
The workshop, which was attended by 25 master students from Politecnico di Milano and TU Graz, focused on resilient buildings design, with a particular focus on façades. In the first week in Milano, the participants developed a resilient primary school preliminary design, taking into account the use of local and sustainable materials, as well as their environmental impact, the influence of the environmental context and the building behaviour in case of extreme atmospheric events. The course combined theoretical lectures and site visits. The second week will take place in Graz in May 2022.
Organized and coordinated by: Enrico S. Mazzucchelli, Giacomo Scrinzi, Sofia Pastori and Alberto Celani (Politecnico di Milano); Verena Kaiser, Valentina Krivitsch, Daniel Heck and Detlef Heck (TU Graz).