The innovative and adaptive facade technology for zero-carbon buildings by ZERAF project

The ZERo-carbon building enabler Adaptive opaque Facade (ZERAF) is a disruptive facade concept aiming at reducing the operational energy demand of buildings and their environmental impact. These novel materials and technologies allow to transform static opaque building façade systems into thermal modulators. In particular, the thermal control is possible thanks to the combination of the configurations of opaque façade technology with novel materials, namely smart Shape Memory Alloys, and new generation bio-based polyurethanes.
The main objective of the project is to scientifically prove that ZERAF concept and technologies can control the heat transfer of the opaque façades. This will be tested through the development of prototypes that will be manufactured in a dedicated laboratory coupling a calorimeter and a continuous sun simulator. A building life cycle method will also be applied in order to assess the carbon footprint reduction. Eventually, the project aims to plan an exploitation strategy for a future market uptake.
ZERAF is a project funded by the European Innovation Council Pathfinder. It has started in February 2023 and will be active until January 2027.
The consortium members include: Eurac Research (lead partner), University of Technology Eindhoven, INDRESMAT BV, Ingpuls Smart Shadings GMBH, and Active Insulation Systems B.V.
For more information and for the latest news about the project, you can check the official website here.
- Project Manager: Miren Juaristi Gutierrez (miren.juaristigutierrez@eurac.edu)