SAVE THE DATE | The Future Envelope – “Towards Zero Carbon”

When: 15-16 December 2022
Where: NOI Techpark, Bolzano (Italy)
Organising Committee:
- Stefano Avesani (Eurac Research),
- Miren Juaristi (Eurac Research),
- Enrico S. Mazzucchelli (Politecnico di Milano)
The conference aims at providing new points of view on the current state, upcoming challenges, and innovations in the field of the building envelope design, manufacturing, installation, operation, dismantling, EoL. The broad scope is to ease the path towards nature‐compliant, human‐centred comfortable and efficient buildings.
It is structured in four thematic chaired sessions with key-note speakers, merging international and South‐Tirol perspectives! The four core themes are:
- Performances
The first session will focus on some key aspects of the building envelope performances towards the Zero Carbon goal, showing how new developments and buildings should be designed in order to be highly efficient, powered by renewables, with a maximum reduction in embodied carbon and compensation of all residual upfront emissions. Focusing on the building envelope performances, the speakers will address many aspects, from the mutual relationships between relevant urban factors, the microclimate and the customization of materials in light of the building’s energy performance, to the LCA approach applied to buildings and the roadmap to global performance targets.
- Envelope solutions
The second session will focus on building envelope technologies towards Zero Carbon, with particular attention to the use of bio-based materials and innovative technologies in the building envelope sector. The interventions of the speakers will deal with both opaque and transparent building envelope solutions, outlining the main potentialities and trends in the construction and research sectors.
- Exemplary buildings
The third session will focus on illustrating significant examples from the topics covered in the conference. In particular, through case studies, will be discussed the challenge in decarbonising, optimising operational and embodied carbon in façade design to achieve net zero, the role of the building envelope in order to face energy poverty, bioclimatic construction, industrialized construction and public housing for near-zero-energy-consumption, and the prefabrication with bio-based materials towards zero carbon.
- Challenges
The last session will focus on some of the main trends and future challenges regarding building envelopes design. The topics covered will range from building resilience against climate change, in particular considering building envelopes resistance to extreme wind events, to novel approach for turning glass waste back into glass products, providing an overview of the potential, but also of the technical and supply-chain challenges and limitations that still need to be tackled, in order to introduce this recycling approach to the market. Finally, the relation between user-centred and zero carbon facade design will be discussed, providing an overview of the key factors that need to be considered to engage users in an efficient control loop of the indoor environment and provide evidence of satisfactory interaction strategies between façades and occupants.
Target audience: Designers, consultants, envelope manufacturers, suppliers, general contractors, from Italy and Europe.
More updates are coming soon. Stay tuned!
Contact us: thefutureenvelope@eurac.edu