Release of the magazine “Sustainable Façades” – Summer 2023 Report
In the context of the Institute for Design Strategies at the University of Applied Sciences OWL in Detmold, Germany, the first issue of the “Sustainable Façades” magazine was released. The Summer Report 2023 features academic and research work carried out within the network of the IDS and the Master of Integrated Design, along with research published recently in other sources, and some events related to façades. Sustainable Façades is an indexed magazine (ISBN: 978-3-939349-40-2) with both digital and printed issues.
You can download it as a PDF here and you can find more information about our publications at the website of the university.
The Editors, Prof. Daniel Arztmann and Alvaro Balderrama, extend the invitation for contributions to the next editions of the magazine to the EFN.
Contact: alvaro.balderrama@th-owl.de