Circular Now! Towards the mainstream adoption of circular methods in construction: Insights from the FE15 Conference at TU Delft
Despite growing research in materials, design, and manufacturing, circular methods struggle to go mainstream. What should be the industry’s circular targets for the upcoming years? And how are we going to achieve them?
With these questions in mind, the Future Envelope 15 conference took place at TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, on 28 May 2024. Titled “Circularity Now!” the event focused on the status quo of research related to circular building products, as well as ways to accelerate and scale up the circular transition. The conference was divided into three thematic sessions with keynote presentations and panel discussions.
The first session focused on Circularity in Design and Construction. Material and Manufacturing were at the core of the second session while the third session delved into Circular Processes and Implementation.
International experts from industry and academia shared their knowledge in the field, leading to new opportunities for discussion and networking.